Migraine Relief in Issaquah & Renton
NTI Oral Appliance Helps Relieve Migraine Headaches
It has been estimated that over 30 million Americans suffer from migraine headaches due to bruxism (teeth grinding). This statistic indicates that someone is in severe pain in one out of every two households.
It’s More Common Than You Think
If you have painful migraines, teeth clenching may be the culprit that’s causing the problem. Most people are either unaware they are grinding their teeth, or they don’t realize the habit is causing their migraines.
Bruxism Also Damages Your Teeth
In addition to causing headaches, the force of constantly clenching your teeth together also wears down tooth surfaces over time and can result in fractured teeth, chipping tooth fillings, or eventual tooth loss. In cases where bruxism threatens to destroy both upper and lower tooth surfaces, the condition should be treated as soon as possible.
Affordable Treatment While You Sleep
Most teeth clenching occurs while you are sleeping. To alleviate this clenching, we use a dental device approved by the FDA for migraine prevention called NTI-tss. The oral appliance is a small bite-guard designed to be worn over your front teeth to keep your front and back teeth separated – thus minimizing clenching during the night.
Watch Video Explanations
Watch video explanations for the NTI appliance, the medical science behind migraines:
NTI-tss PlusTM
NTI stands for “nociceptive trigeminal inhibitory” – a natural reflex that prevents us from breaking our front teeth when accidentally biting on something hard. The appliance takes advantage of this reflex.
Fast Solution For Painful Migraines
The NTI appliance is fitted by your dentist. This dental appliance can be custom fitted for the individual patient.
Let Our Doctors Help You
There’s no need to suffer from migraine headaches – help is available. If you are experiencing symptoms such as a painful sore jaw, an earache, teeth grinding that disturbs your sleeping partner, or tension headaches – contact one of our offices and schedule an appointment. At Michael J Scoles DMD, we are confident that you too can get the relief you deserve.
Call today to schedule your appointment at one of our convenient dental practices: